Invest into a sustainable future

Doicoin is the native currency of the Doichain and, thanks to its CO2-neutral mining, is ideal for sustainable innovations.

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Sustainable innovations

The Doichain combines the security of the Bitcoin network with environmentally friendly innovations and social responsibility.


Tamper-proof proof of sustainable energy
DOIchain supports millions of PV system owners in Germany.

Campaign Plus

The future of secure communication
In the future, over four billion e-mail users will benefit from Doichain.

Rescue Flag

Help in emergency situations
DOIchain is the blockchain behind the patented Rescue Flag system, which helps in various emergency situations.

Carbon Minus NFT

The Carbon Minus NFT supports sustainable projects such as the "microwave based hydrocarbon divider".

iXchange me

Democratization of products, ideas and patents.


The genetic twin of Bitcoin

Positive climate and environmental impact

Doichain takes the challenge of climate protection seriously. It does not cause any additional CO2 emissions and promotes solutions that reduce CO2 emissions and support the removal of CO2 from the atmosphere.

100% forgery-proof

By using cutting-edge blockchain technology, the Doichain creates an unshakeable system designed to ensure the absolute security and integrity of data.

100% freedom from censorship

Doichain guarantees freedom from censorship by working independently of any organization. This enables a free and unrestricted flow of information.


Recommended stock exchanges


Trade with ultra low fees at XeggeX.

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1. Anmeldeprämie

  • Start bei 5 DOI.

2. Empfehlungsprämie

  • Empfehler (A) erhält die Hälfte der Anmeldeprämie für jede direkte Empfehlung (B).
  • Für Empfehlungen zweiter Ebene (C, empfohlen von B) erhält A eine Prämie in Höhe der Hälfte der Prämie, die B für die Empfehlung von C erhält.

3. Zyklus und Halbierung

  • Nach jeweils 7.000 Auszahlungen (Anmeldungen und Empfehlungen) werden die Prämien halbiert.
  • Dieser Zyklus wiederholt sich bis zum Erreichen der festgelegten Gesamtvergütungssumme.